Beginners blueprint to diet and training
Beginners blueprint to diet and training

beginners blueprint to diet and training

People tend to stick with the same things for far too long, this includes corrective exercise strategies. It’s important to change what we are doing in order to continue to see results and avoid plateaus. Often programs work well for periods of time between 6 -12 weeks, although this can vary. Once that occurs, and it will, a program becomes significantly less effective. When to Switch it Up Photo by Cesar Galeão from PexelsĪnother thing to recognize is when to stop a program. We can include other core work such as glute bridges and hip flexor stretches to help combat a hip flexor and abdominal dominant program. We can modify abdominal based exercises to include static abdominal work such as planks and stability ball exercises. Continuing to overdevelop the hip flexors and constantly putting the spine into excess flexion from crunch based exercises can worsen these conditions and lead to more back or hip pains. This is often present in people who sit a lot. In LPHCD (lower crossed syndrome), we see dysfunction and overactivity of the hip flexors. Often knee raises are an overdone exercise which doesn’t target your “lower abs”, but your hip flexors. What your abs do is flex your lower back. There isn’t really a difference between targeting upper and lower abs. The reality is the superficial layer of our abdominals, the rectus abdominis, can be thought of as one muscle. Often in programs designed for abs people feel the need to target “the lower abs”. Heavy spin based programs, for example, mimic sitting desk posture and often facilitate this imbalance. We also want to avoid positions that mimic our habits in life. We would also want to include corrective exercises to combat any imbalances accrued from over developing the chest muscles.

beginners blueprint to diet and training

What we can do to modify this routine is to add an equivalent or greater volume of BACK exercises focusing on retaining the balance of the upper body. In this example, you can be sure your effort won’t lead to a better-developed chest but more issues and plateaus. If we exhibit early signs of upper crossed syndrome or forward head posture all these chest movements can make these problems worse. For example, if we feel our chest is lacking behind and our pushing movements are weak we might want to try a program that’s focused around pressing, flys, and high chest frequency and volume.

beginners blueprint to diet and training

It’s important to not overemphasize specific movements. There are some guidelines we should remember when it comes to experimentation.


How to Pick your Programs Photo by Patricia Hildebrandt from Pexels If we have been doing everything right and our results are not coming quickly or consistently sometimes it’s warranted to experiment. There are hard gainers, there are easy gainers, there is everything in between. Often a program can be modified so that we can still give it a shot without hurting ourselves. The one thing we should understand, however, is we don’t want to exacerbate existing issues such as muscular imbalances or injuries.

beginners blueprint to diet and training

Everyone’s body is created differently and there are too many variables to account for when it comes to picking the perfect exercise or diet program. Although it’s important to approach any decision with as much objective information as possible, all the answers aren’t out there. The reality is that Sports Medicine is a constantly evolving field. How many times have you had a discussion about some new fad style of training or dieting? Crossfit, keto, boot-camps, group classes, paleo, peloton, the list goes on with programs in the fitness world it’s no wonder it can be really difficult to determine what you should try. Anecdotal evidence can be a very enticing motivation to try something new in fitness. Probably one of the most common ways we get involved in exercise or dieting is through our friends and acquaintances.

Beginners blueprint to diet and training